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Horse Stalls & Equipment since 1978

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Customer Photo Gallery of Horse Stalls and Barn Equipment

 Many folks who have purchased CMI horse stalls and barn equipment have made some beautiful additions to their barns. Here is a place where you can show the world your accomplishments using CMI products. If you would like to add a couple of photos to the gallery, please e-mail your photos to: If you have a website, send that address along and we will post a link to it so people can visit your website. A little free advertising doesn't hurt a bit..................

"Just love your stall kits. This is the 12 by 18 foot that I built with your kit. Really happy with the way it turned out. Just had to share. Three more 12 by 14's to go! Will go faster as we know what we are doing! Thanks for a great and affordable product."

Nancy Panner

Medford, Oregon

Just wanted to send a quick email to let you know how happy I am with my new Dutch doors. The doors are great, very well built, and look awesome on my new barn. (And you can't beat the free shipping which was not offered by other companies I spoke to!) I have attached a photo of the Dutch doors after I finished painting them. Thanks again from a very satisfied customer??

Heidi Turpin
Cynthiana, KY

 Black Horse Stall Kits were used to build this great looking multiple stall barn in Berlin Center, Ohio.

Photo submitted by the Nickell Family

horse stalls Nickell Family Berlin Center Ohio

horse stall front modular construction

Modular Horse Stall Front showing the "gossip door" open.

Photo Submitted by Bob Trench

Susan Royal in Missouri sent these photos of her horse barn with CMI galvanized support post style horse stalls installed. Excellent job Susan!

galvanized horse stalls

stall kit style finished

galvanized horse stall front

horse stall side view

interior horse stall

 These photos are a great example how an older barn can be upgraded with some new modular horse stalls. The first 2 photos show the old barn stalls and the third and fourth photos show the same barn after the upgrade with new modular horse stalls.

"Here are a couple of pictures of the old stalls to compare with what we did! The difference is AMAZING!! "

"Our stalls are finally done! They look great! Makes the 40 year old barn look brand new! This was adapting the fronts - to odd measurements with out special ordering. We thought you would like to see the results."


Karen & Charlie Naber

old barn stalls before

before installation

stall fronts

modular horse stall front

Here are some innovative folks who  purchased two 18 by 20 foot car ports and used them as the frame for their stall and tack shed. They used CMI galvanized horse stall components to create this great open span style horse barn.

Photos by Don & Theresa Brigner
Paulden, Arizona

stall being assembled

stall kit

stall kit galvanized

galvanized horse stalls

 horse stall kit being assembled

horse stall walls

galvanized stalls

galvanized stall fronts

sliding barn doors

 These photos show why modular horse stalls can be a real convenience. Kelli Butler says "The first few photos are from a stall I had to put up in my garage. My new barn was not completed in time for the mares to foal in, so we had to get creative :)" Modular horse stalls can be moved to different locations much easier than support post horse stalls as Kelli's photos show.

modular horse stalls

prefab horse stall installing wood

installing wood- modular horse stalls

modular stalls in use

prefab stall wall

prefabricated horse stalls

installing prefab horse stalls

atv trailer

One of our CMI ATV Model 5400 ATV trailers hauling a couple of friends.

Photo by Craig Ritchie, DVM
Companion Animal Hospital

 I am very happy with my recent purchase of the Zero Turn Tractor, snow plow. I have included some photographs. We have pretty good snows in Northern Maryland. I am waiting for the big snow (Murphy's law............... now that I have my blade). I used the blade to clean up from a snow storm from 1 1/2 weeks ago. To give the tractor extra traction I inserted some 5/16" sheet metal screws into the turf lugs. It gives it a good bite on my hill, without the bulk, that snow chains give. The purchase from your company went very smooth. I will buy from your company again. I have shared photographs of my plow with other zero turn owners who are impressed with it.

Thanks for your help,
Jim Harkins
Whiteford, Md.

zero turn with plow installed

zero turn with snowplow

zero turn mower with plow installed

self studded tires on zero turn mower

 zero turn snow plow

"We don’t get too much snow in Cape Girardeau, Missouri, so alot of my friends looked at me kinda funny when they saw the blade on the front of my zero turn mower. They weren’t looking so funny when I drove by them as they shoveled their drives this morning. Of course, I offered to help...

We had about 8 inches last night and the photo is of me clearing my Mini Storage Lot. The blade works well, but I need to make a few modifications for my JD 425 to fit it properly. I’ve also added some pins and bolts for stability."

Rick Hetzel - Cape Girardeau, MO

 estate trailer

This is a great example of American ingenuity! This CMI estate trailer has been converted into use as a leaf vacuum. Photo by Dennis O'Connell.

 These photos are a excellent example of how an old dairy barn has been converted to a horse barn. The top left photo shows what these folks started with, the next 2 photos show the horse stall installation in progress with the great results shown below:

Photos of this horse stall building project courtesy of:

Craig Bosley
Bosley-Acres Farm
Mooers, NY

finished horse stalls

before installation

stall kits

building stalls

 A beautiful example of CMI Aluminum Horse Stalls by Halcyon Hill Stable in Ohio. This is a 6 stall barn using walls 6 inches thick. The aluminum stall grills are set back flush with the inside of the stalls, giving the stalls a very sturdy appearance. Gravity latches and aluminum swingout feeders are used on these stalls. These horse stalls are used for stalling Warmbloods.

aluminum horse stall

aluminum horse stall fronts

aluminum stalls

This is a great example of a 8 horse stall barn, 2 rows of 4 stalls each. Owned by C. Deyo, she used CMI black painted steel stall grills and stall doors. Each stall has a stall grill with a feed opening in it. 2 x 8 lumber was used in the stall construction giving the fronts a nice finished look.

black steel stalls

 black stall fronts

 stall fronts

 miniature horse stalls

mini stalls

Photos by Dr. Carol Wochenko, an Ohio psychologist that uses her miniature horse with some of her younger therapy clients. "I built a stall from country manufacturing right in my garage (attached to my house)!! I love it!"

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